Meditation & Embodiment
Mali's approach to meditation is holistic and centres rest, transformation and healing. It is further rooted in her deep reverence and understanding of the feminine, 'wildness' and connection to nature which has lead her toward embodiment and movement meditation practices as well as informing those based in stillness.
See the Meditation Library for guided inner journeys you can do at home or anywhere, and take a look at Upcoming Events to see what meditation-based offerings Mali is holding next.
Please enquire for private meditation & embodiment sessions in person or over zoom.
Meditation with Mali - background
Mali's meditation background is broadly informed. Her studies span from her teacher training in ancient yogic techniques completed in the Himalayas, India, to trainings with renowned feminine leaders of womb awakening and wild embodiment to much of the centre of her own personal practice learnt experientially meditating in community on the land with Druidic elders.
The tapestry of these threads have been woven into deeply touching and nourishing inner journeys which Mali Earth Flower facilitates for women, womb-folk and folks of all genders and ages in her local community and further afield.
In 2024 Mali is excited to also be offering meditation and embodiment practices online through her Meditation Library.